Clubs & Organizations

There are a variety of different clubs and organizations for every student. 学生们可以加入那些在文化上、社交上和智力上都能激发他们的俱乐部. 加入约翰伍德的俱乐部可以帮助学生在走出舒适区的同时茁壮成长, making lasting friendships, learning new skills, networking, and finding new interests.

Agriculture Club

农业俱乐部的主要目标是服务、领导、公共关系和娱乐. Major activities include cooking at the Blazer BBQ, annual spring banquet, participation in state and national post-secondary agriculture competition, and attendance at several major agriculture-related conferences and exhibitions. Any JWCC student interested in agriculture is welcome to join the Ag Club.

Advisor: Bethany Beeler
Email the Advisor

JWCC ag club hosting a cookout
JWCC Blazerettes dancing at a basketball game

Blazerettes Dance Team

JWCC blazerttes舞蹈队在主场JWCC篮球比赛中场休息时表演, JWCC events, and community events. Blazerettes编舞并表演诗歌、爵士、踢腿和抒情风格的舞蹈. The team also completes community service opportunities. The JWCC Blazerettes hold tryouts once-twice a year. Any student with a love for JWCC, dance, or pom should consider trying out!

2023-24 Team Roster

McKenna Abbott
Kyndall Causey
Addison Fish
Kamryn Hagerbaumer
Julia Hun
Michaela Seaver
Kirrah VanZile

Advisor: Kristen Stegeman
Email the Advisor

Campus Crusade for Christ

约翰伍德社区大学校园基督十字军(Cru)是一个提供团契的非宗派组织, weekly Bible studies, focused prayer, opportunities for service projects, and various social events for John Wood Community College students. We are a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ.  Cru参加了一年一度的春假宣教之旅NOLA和秋季度假沉浸体验奖学金和领导力培训.
Check Blazer Vision for the current times and location for our meetings.

Advisor: Ryan Jansen
Email the Advisor

JWCC Cru plants trees on mission trip to New Orleans
JWCC Blazer Cheer Team


The cheerleading squad promotes school spirit at home athletic events. 在所有男女篮球比赛中,助威的首要目标是带头鼓励球队,让观众兴奋起来. Each squad member is required to attend all athletic events, understand the role of the squad at these events, and lead and entertain the crowd to support JWCC.  任何有兴趣加入球队的人都可以联系教练了解更多beta365选拔赛的信息.

2023-24 Team Roster

Hunter Bradbury
Mariah Clements
Nicole Cooley
Mikey Goodwin
Avery Grawe
Bella Hanlin
Ashley Juette
Maryn Kasza
Maiah Lenz
Delia Lopez
Peyton Mast
Breanna Matticks
Summer Miller
Katie Pults
Savannah Real
Peyton Robbins
Alayna Schmoe
Amber Schone
Paige Seals
Josalyn Sultzman
Keyouna West
Anna Whitlow

Advisor: Meagan Root and Sami Rochelle
Email the Advisor

College Republicans

JWCC学院共和党人提倡共和党内的原则, develop political skills and leadership abilities among members, stress the importance of getting involved in national and local politics, and bring political diversity to campus.

Advisor: Barbara Holthaus
Email the Advisor

Students meet at the College Republicans booth at a Blazer BBQ
Cultural Diversity & Inclusion Club logo

Cultural Diversity & Inclusion Club

The Cultural Diversity & 包容俱乐部致力于促进JWCC学生更好地理解和包容所有文化,同时进一步拥抱新的文化. 我们鼓励学生与我们的大学社区分享他们的文化、种族和传统. 我们鼓励任何有兴趣了解多元文化并参与与文化意识相关的有趣活动的学生加入!

Advisor: Vacant

Gay-Straight Alliance

This club is for everyone! While we focus on issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community, the goal is to educate and engage everybody! Events range from holiday celebrations and guest speakers to fundraising drives. We are always open to new ideas that will make campus a more inclusive space!  For meeting times, or for more information, please contact the advisor.

Advisor: Vacant

JWCC with rainbow colors

Gregarious Gaming Guild

社交游戏公会是一个旨在让人们聚在一起玩游戏的俱乐部. During meetings, we may play a video game, board game, card game, or discuss popular theories of comics and series!

Advisor: Michael Wells
Email the Advisor

Livestock Evaluation Club

JWCC家畜评审俱乐部成员参加了美国各地的许多家畜评审比赛. Some of the competitions include National Western- Denver CO, North American Livestock Exhibition- Louisville KY, American Royal- Kansas City MO, World Beef Expo- Milwaukee WI, Boilermaker Classic- Lafayette IN. 俱乐部的目标是提高农业学生的经验,并使他们接触到来自全国各地的生产者和行业专家.

家畜评判比赛帮助学生学习运用动物生长的科学原理来评价不同种类的牛, pigs, sheep and goats.  团队根据特定的标准对动物进行排名,如肌肉和构象,以确定最优秀的动物.  学生的排名将与作为官方评委的动物行业专家的排名进行比较.  根据排名排名的学生被要求在向竞赛官员口头陈述时提供调查结果.  The most accurate and convincing presentations receive the highest scores.

Advisor: Justin Lewis
Email the Advisor

Student judging two cows
JWCC adult students lining up at graduation


Motiv8是一个新的学生团体,对所有beat365平台的学生开放,主要面向成人学生.  Did you know that more than half of our students at JWCC are adults?  对于成年人来说,支持是不同的,因此这个小组被设计成一个分享经验的地方, ask questions and to make connections with other adult students.  Meetings are held online to accommodate busy work and family schedules.  Meetings are on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:00 PM.  You can attend every meeting or just attend one meeting.  They will not build on each other, rather each meeting has its own topic.  There are no requirements to be in this group.  To get the email invitations each month, please email or text the advisor below.

Advisor: Melissa Hess
Email the Advisor
Text the advisor: 217.290.2934

Music Club

Passionate about music?  Maybe just listen to it on your phone?  或者你想进入小学,帮助孩子们学习音乐?
音乐社的宗旨是推广音乐,支持音乐教育事业.  约翰伍德音乐俱乐部是开放给任何当前的约翰伍德学生,无论他们在音乐课注册. 过去的活动包括参观小学教室,并在“音乐在我们学校月”期间帮助为地区学校的小学班级提供音乐活动.”  The group has also sponsored various educational programs on jazz, choral, and instrumental topics.

Advisor: Steven Soebbing
Email the Advisor

Students practice with instructor Steven Soebbing on the piano
Pep Band plays in the stands of a JWCC basketball game

Pep Band

Pep Band is the club for any student who enjoys playing a musical instrument, cheering on Blazer athletics, and desires to be part of a spirited organization. Pep Band在主场篮球比赛中演奏,并为JWCC学生区“木堆”注入活力.”

Advisor:  Jessica Snider
Email the Advisor

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa, an international honors organization with more than 900 chapters, recognizes academic achievement at the community college level. 约翰伍德的Alpha Tau Gamma分会于1991年成立,全年举行会议,开展与奖学金相关的项目, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship.  At John Wood, Phi Theta Kappa有以下会员要求:学生必须完成12个学期的副学士学位工作, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, and be currently enrolled in classes at John Wood.  Students are recognized with special regalia at annual graduation ceremonies.

For more information about PTK, visit the official PTK website.

Advisor: Jennifer Grindstaff
Email the Advisor

Phi Theta Kappa students recognized
Rotaract Club students sit on Santa's lap

Rotaract Club

beat365平台的扶轮青年服务团对参加任何JWCC校园的所有学生开放, however, is primarily housed at the JWCC Southeast Education Center.

This club is a great way to extend a hand in your local community. 扶轮青年服务团透过服务计划教导学生团队合作的重要性, 培养和加强领导能力,使学生在毕业和开始职业生涯时受益匪浅.

Advisor: Diane Vose
Email the Advisor

Science and Engineering Club

科学与工程俱乐部聚集在一起讨论围绕工程的不同项目. Their goal is to come together, outside of the classroom, to have fun and informative conversations, speakers, and discuss projects they can do to test their skills and knowledge!

Advisor: Randy Wolfmeyer
Email the Advisor

Engineering at John Wood Community College
SGA logo - Make Your Mark

Student Government Association

SGA holds monthly meetings, promotes involvement in activities, allocates funds to clubs, recognizes and supports student organizations, appoints student representatives to JWCC committees, conducts student elections, and makes recommendations to the SGA Advisor.

欢迎beat365平台的任何学生加入SGA并参加会议. Find out about Blazer Activity teams, current student government representatives, and more!

Student Life Coordinator: Eric Foster
Email the Advisor

Student Nurses Organization

Student Nurses Organization (SNO) is for those interested in a career in nursing. SNO通过引导学生护士培养对护理实践和社区医疗保健问题的兴趣,帮助促进专业和安全护理实践. SNO还专注于塑造人们公平平等地帮助和治愈每个人.

SNO provides opportunities, promotes and encourages participation regardless of a person’s race, color, creed, sex, lifestyle, national origin, ethnicity, age, gender, marital status, lifestyle, disability, or economic status. SNO允许学生参与护理教育,影响医疗保健. SNO还鼓励各分会之间的通信和与SGA以及其他相关卫生和社区组织的参与.

Advisor: Sarah Straza
Email the Advisor

Nursing students smiling together
Two students perform at JWCC's theater

Theatre Guild

Interested in acting on stage?  Or running a show behind the curtain?

Theatre Guild promotes theatrical productions and acting opportunities.  约翰伍德戏剧协会是开放给任何约翰伍德学生谁是有兴趣进一步他们的戏剧经验.

俱乐部每年都会赞助一部完整的舞台剧,并在秋季进行试镜. Auditions are open to all students, as well as stage crew opportunities.

Advisor: Steven Soebbing
Email the Advisor